Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Back to School, Back to Cool

Ah, everyone loves a good oxymoron.

And that's where we are kiddos, smack dab in 'happy-valley' Utah.

You'll see a significant increase in the number of posts in the coming weeks, granted that I get into the class that i am jockeying for today. See, it's part of the curriculum to post thrice a week about both specific and random things in a structured format.

We'll keep you posted until more conclusive results can be verified.

Danke and enjoy the Miami winter.
In the meanwhile enjoy an exhilarating round of FROGGER!!!

- G

1 comment:

Susan said...

Woo Hoo!!!! I'm so excited that you're being forced to blog. I got really excited when I saw a new post. I guess I need to get better too, cause I've been slacking lately. Big Love! I mean the expression of course, not the show.