Thursday, January 17, 2008

Enthymemes and You

#1 A Current Battle

WATCO raising the thermostat on our apartment harmony?
Audience: Roommates of Apartment #114
Raising the Thermostat will disrupt our apartment harmony.
Because expensive gas bills upset poor roommates.

#2 An American Injustice

WATCO allowing students to grow beards on the learning atmosphere of BYU?
Audience: Administration of BYU
Allowing Students to grow beards improves the learning atmosphere of BYU.
Because allowing Grayson to maintain a well trimmed beard reduces his stress increasing his capacity to study and learn.

#2a Preferred Format but possibly illegal

WATCO allowing students to grow beards on the learning atmosphere of BYU?
Audience: Administration of BYU
Allowing Students to grow beards has minimal effect on the learning atmosphere of BYU.
Because allowing students to maintain well trimmed beards will no longer be taboo and thus insignificant to other students.

#3 The Neverending Story (minus Falcor)

WATCO taking a full 18 credit hours on a student’s overall well being?
Audience: Parents
Taking a full 18 credit hours will significantly harm a student’s overall well being.
Because allocating the recommended 54 total hours for academics will place excessive mental strain on Grayson’s brain.

#4 Once upon a time

WATCO eating only fast food on a student’s GPA?
Audience: Lazy students and/or freshmen

Eating only fast food will lower a student’s GPA.
Because having a diet high in calories & fat and low in vitamins and minerals will inhibit a student’s metabolism & motivation.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Haha, Grayson...You're silly. I didn't understand the format very much, but I did understand the idea. It's hard living on your own huh? You should move in with us! Love ya!