Sunday, February 10, 2008

Techical: Education Brainstorm

I'm not sure what this is supposed to look like, but I'm going to play word association for this topic, with each word in the list being the immediate association with the one prior to it. I kind of have a direction but perhaps this will lead to uncharted and heartier waters. Enjoy.

Private Schools.
Cost/Benefit Analysis.
Quantitative Results.
U.S. vs. The World.
Cultural Influence.
Bilingualism, advantages.
Structured vs. Liberal approaches.
Military School.

Well, we're 6 feet closer to nowhere than when we started. In general I'm not interested in the U.S. federal education system, it's simply too big, too slow, and too unchangeable. However, lack of interest doesn't rule out necessity of topic selection, now does it? An associate of mine (yes, once upon a time I had associates, or at least I walked around like I did) once mentioned it was his dream to create a private school that would resemble a business school more so than an elementary school. Economics, real estate, finance, accounting, and law would be more common curriculum over the sciences, arts, etc. No single system is the answer for every child, mailable though they may be. The best way to reform public schools is to give them competition and the more options that become available and accessible to parents, the more tax dollars get routed to the private sector and force Washington to really accomplish something.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I like the hippies thrown in there, and is bilingualism a word? Apparently so cause my spell checker didn't pick it up. Hmmm...lets play a new one... Go with the following





Haha...When are you going to get a doctor for that little truck of yours?